It is only 1:33, but having woken up at 6:30, I have already taught 3 classes and attended a spinning class. A couple highlights of the not-yet-over day:
1. A high-schooler that attends the school I work at, San Juan Bautista, told me that all of my ex-boyfriends/boyfriends/friends that are boys could quite easily be defined by what Uruguayan soccer player they are most like. (translated from Spanish): "May-gan, you know what I mean, like if the guy is strong and always pushing the limits but sometimes hangs back and just chills he is obviously the mid-fielder Jorge Rodriguez." Why did I not learn this theory in my intro. to psychology class?
2. Spin class. It is hilarious. I always go to the same class at 10:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays with my favorite instructor, Matías. Well, Matías isn't only my favorite instructor, he is the favorite instructor of every female (ages 2-88). He just gives really great, high-energy, challenging, classes. Oh, and he is HOT. (Not to mention half the time he is off his bike and dancing to the music, I am not kidding).
3. The entire "sexto año de liceo" or rather, senior class in high school, of San Juan Bautista has been trying to convince me to go to a party they organized for tomorrow night in a nearby club and to bring as many American girls as I can get a hold of that live in Montevideo. One of the boys told his teacher (who later told me), "Why wouldn't the American girls want to come? I mean, we are Latin lovers." Luckily, I already have plans for tomorrow night. And, I think I would be better off not clinking my fourth beer against that of my students.
Bueno, now off to buy more minutes for my cell phone (I heard a rumor there is a special offer for today, buy a certain amount of minutes and the service will double it...aka BOGO as my Dad would say), then I have Latin American literature from 3-6 followed by Education and the Uruguayan Society from 6-9. I will definitely be brining my mate (high caffeine, tea-like drink that EVERYONE drinks here).

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